Application Deadline 報名截止日期
作業項目/Event |
日期/Date |
備註/Remarks |
通訊報名 Apply by post |
秋季班/Fall semester 2025.04.15~2025.07.26 春季班/Spring semester 2025.09.23~2025.12.13 |
郵戳為憑 Postmark as Evidence |
錄取公告 Admission results announced |
秋季班/Fall semester 2025.08.09 春季班/Spring semester 2025.12.30 |
網路公告 Website Announcement 網址/ Website:https://www.lit.edu.tw/iacp/ |
註冊 Registration (依實際公告日期為準)According to the actual announcement date |
秋季班/Fall semester 2025.09 春季班/Spring semester 2026.02 |
請備齊資料,至本校招生中心辦理。 Prepare all documents required for application to the Office of Admissions Center at the LIT campus |
l 本校外國學生招生事務,除宣傳、推廣及協助學生辦理來臺必要程序外,本校並未委外辦理招生事務。 Except the dissemination, promotion and assist international students in necessary procedures to Taiwan, the recruitment of international students at Lee-Ming Institute of Technology is not permitted to commission any external institution, legal person, group, or individual to handle related matters. l 本校為華文授課,除馬來西亞華裔學生以外之所有外國學生須具有TOCFL A2以上證明才可申請就讀。 All subjects in our school are taught in Chinese, all foreign students except Malaysian Chinese students must have TOCFL A2 (The Test Of Chinese as a Foreign Language - Level 2) or above to apply for admission. |
申請所需文件 Check list for the application
繳 交 資 料 項 目 / The Documents You Have Submitted |
份數 Copies |
入學申請應繳交資料檢查表 Checklist of Required Documents for Admission Application |
1 |
入學申請表1份 (各貼二吋半身脫帽照1張) One copies of the application form (A current personal photograph, head + shoulders shot without a hat or head covering, must be attached to each form). |
1 |
身分證正反面及護照 (含護照封面及資料頁) 影本 Photocopies of ID card and passport (including Passport cover and Data page) (申請選讀課程者,除經教育部專案核定者外,應另附外僑居留證影本) One copy of the applicant’s passport (Unless specially authorized by the Ministry of Education, applicants for non-degree status must also provide a copy of their Alien Resident Certificate.) |
1 |
最高學歷之畢業證書、成績單。 (正本若非中文版或英文版,則需另附上當地國外交部驗證的翻譯版) Certified diploma and transcript of highest academic degree. ( If original document is neither in Chinese nor English, a translation copy notarized by an applicant country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also required ) (備註:正本須於報到註冊時提供,現場查驗後歸還。) (NOTE: The original documents need to be checked upon your arrival.) |
1 |
華語文能力測驗證明TOCFL A2(含)以上 Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language Certificate TOCFL A2 or above |
1 |
三個月內財力證明書美金 3,000元以上,若財力證明非申請者帳戶,需檢附資助者之財力保證書並敘明兩者關係 A copy of financial statement within 3 months (USD 3,000 or more ) . If you have a sponsor to satisfy the financial obligation, then your sponsor must provide a letter declaring their relationship to the applicant and their intent to provide financial support throughout his/her period of study. |
1 |
醫院核發之六個月內中文版或英文版之健康證明(待入境後攜帶正本於註冊時繳交) One original copy of Health Certificate in Chinese or English (including HIV test) issued by a hospital within 6 months at the time of application (After entering the country, bring the original copy and submit it when registering). |
1 |
其他有助審查之資料Other supplemental documents. |
1 |
1 |
授權書 Letter of Authorization |
1 |
l 本校所有資訊皆可在網路上獲得,所有更新資訊將於本校招生網站公告,請隨時上網查詢。若網站內容與簡章有出入,敬請以網站更新資料為準。 All information contained in these regulations is available online. All changes shall be announced on the admissions page of the university website. Please consult the website regularly. If any of the information provided on the website is different from that contained in this brochure, please refer to the updated information provided on the website as correct. l 春季班入學與同年級一起授課,無另開班。 Applicants admitted in the spring semester will attend classes with their peers of the same grade level. NO Extra course is offered. l 每學期正式開學日,國際處待學校行事曆確定後另行通知錄取學生。 The International Office will notify the admitted students of the official opening date of each semester after the school calendar is confirmed. |
獎學金 / Scholarships
(1) 臺灣獎學金:
Taiwan Scholarship:
International students can apply for the Taiwan Scholarship, which is granted by the government,
through a Taiwan Overseas Mission before their arrival in Taiwan. For further information,
please visit the website:http://english.moe.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=1.
(2) 黎明技術學院外國學生助學金:
LEE-MING Institute of Technology Foreign Student Scholarship:
Handled in Accordance with The Measures for the Establishment of Scholarships for Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students of Lee-Ming Institute of Technology.
Students who meet the requirements of the Overseas Chinese and Foreign Students Scholarship Program:
1.In the first academic year, tuition fees, miscellaneous fees and accommodation fees of
NTD. 30,000 will be paid in the form of withheld scholarships each semester;
2.Start from second academic year, each semester NTD. 10,000 scholarship is awarded
黎明技術學院學雜費收退費基準 Refund Policy of Lee-Ming Institute of Technology
The tuition and miscellaneous fees are calculated on a per-semester basis. The actual cost may vary different individually.
The following list is the tuition and miscellaneous fees for the 2024-2025 Academic year. The exact costs based on Lee-Ming Institute of Technology website – Tuition and Fees and Lee-Ming Institute of Technology reserves the right torevise relative policy.
學雜費(以新台幣計算)Tuition and fees charges (Calculated in NTD) |
系別/Department |
Tuition fee |
Miscellaneous fees |
Total |
電機工程系Department of Electrical Engineering 智慧製造工程系Department of Smart Manufacturing Engineering 車輛工程系Department of Vehicle Engineering 數位多媒體系Department of Digital Multimedia 表演藝術系Department of Performing Arts 影視傳播系Department of Film and Television 戲劇系Department of Drama & Theatre |
NTD.37,913 |
NTD.12,930 |
NTD.50,843 |
化妝品應用系Department of Applied Cosmetology 服飾設計系Department of Fashion and Design |
NTD.38,933 |
NTD.11,510 |
NTD.50,443 |
餐飲管理系Department of Food & Beverage Management 觀光休閒系Department of Tourism and Leisure Management 數位行銷管理系Department Digital Marketing Management |
NTD.38,049 |
NTD.,8377 |
NTD.46,426 |
學雜費退還(學期內休退學)Tuition and Fees are refunded (Leave and withdraw from school during the semester) |
Application week |
1~2weeks |
3~6weeks |
7~12weeks |
13weeks |
Refund basis |
full refund |
refunded 2/3 of fees |
refunded 1/3 of fees |
no refund |
Accommodation fees, Internet usage fees, computer internship fees, safety insurance fees, etc. are based on the amounts announced by the school each academic year.
服務專線: 02-22964275 TEL: +886-2-29095785,+886-2-22964275
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